Saturday, February 04, 2006

Well, I am a newbie at this whole blog thing. My friend Kelli started one and I enjoy reading hers, so I think I will try one myself. I have never been good at keeping a diary or journal, but maybe this will work out better for me. I would much rather type than hand write anything.

It's Saturday night and my hubbie and I just got done watching the Ultimate Fighting match. My sweet baby is sleeping away and his big sister is staying at my parents for the night. I swear even when she is gone for one night, I end up missing her.

I have been watching parts of this show on the Discovery Channel where this guy lives with bears in Alaska and ends up getting eaten by one of them. It is a documentary that he films as he interacts with the bears and other animals. Then you find out he and his girlfriend were both killed by a bear. So crazy.

I am thinking that my little blog here is quite dull, but I will try to spice it up a bit. Though there isn't a lot of excitement in my life, which is fine, maybe just boring to other people. Maybe this can help clear my head at the end of the day. So here is my first attempt. We'll see if I can stick to this more than a week or so. I tend to get all gung-ho about things and then it fizzles out.

Hasta la cha cha - (my translation, although not accurate, is "until we dance")


Blogger Kelli said...

Too cool. Hey we watched the ulimate fighting too. We were bummed that Randy lost and is retiring. Jake might get to see him in March though. I still have a pic of Randy, Jake, and Josh a few years back. Now I feel super cool...LOL...hardy har har See you soon.

11:34 PM  

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