Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday Monday...

It's Monday morning and I feel like I didn't get much sleep last night. My little dude woke up at 1am and 5 am. I am really ready for him to be sleeping through the night! He has a tooth now and I think that is messing him up his schedule. He usually just wakes up once each night. I have been worried about him because he won't nurse during the day. I have heard that it hurts when they try to suck with sore gums, so maybe that is it. I guess he makes up for it at night though.

Big sister woke up all congested this morning and said "I don't think I should go to dance class today" so I think we will just stay home today and chill. She seemed to think hot chocolate would make her feel better. How coudl I say no? Ha ha. I have a sweet little story about her. Probably a year or so ago, she was totally into Shania Twain. She wanted me to play the cd over and over so she could bust a move to it. Well the song "From this Moment" would come on and I would tell her that was mommy and daddy's "love song" from our wedding. Then every time it would come on she would say Mommy! It's your love song. Then when I was pregnant with my son, she asked how he got in my tummy. I told her that when a mommy and daddy get married and love each other sooooo much, a baby starts to grow in the mommy's tummy. Then just a few days ago, not having heard the cd for ages, and not having talked about me being pregnant for the longest time, she comes into my room and says "mommy, remember when you heard that "Moment" song and I started to sleep in your tummy?" I swear that is the most precious thing she has ever said. Kids....aren't they the best?

Have a great day y'all!


Blogger Kelli said...

precious!!! yes they are great. I often say how there are so many times I feel I could burst because i love them so much!!

4:13 PM  

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