Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday - My favorite day.

Well not really. I am being sarcastic because Wednesday is my dirty chore day. It is garbage day, change the litter box, scoop the dog poop, empty the diaper genie and clean the toilets/shower day. Seriously. I figured I would make one day the designated poo day and since Wednesday is garbage day, it just made darn good sense. So I have just finished up, taken a shower, and had some Cheerios.

I am trying to get in the habit of getting my housework done first thing in the morning so it isn't looming over my head all day. I have been feeling overwhelmed trying to spend time with each of my kids, clean the house, do my work for my office and plan dinner each day. My kids are my priority of course, but it just seems like something is getting left out. I know that I am not the only mom who has these demands, I just haven't adjusted well to having a new baby plus all the other things. I NEVER take them both out to the grocery store. I always wait until my husband is home so I can get out by myself. I don't know how moms do it with 3 or 4 or more kids. I keep hoping things will get easier to manage. I need a Nanny! Or a housekeeper/cook. ha ha just kidding Wouldn't it be nice sometimes though? Though it may not sound like it, I am truly thankful that I am able to stay home with my babies.

So my mom is coming in today to watch my munchkins while I run into my office. My bosses are super cool and never give me a hard time about not being in the office that much. I do 90% of my work from home and just go in one afternoon a week to pick up more work and drop off what I have finished. It is the perfect setup for me. I am so thankful that I work for a company who is so good to me.

I got a new scale yesterday. I was actually excited, isn't that funny? The old one we had would fluctuate 3 pounds or so depending on how you stood on it or where it was placed on our bathroom floor. I got this cool Weight Watchers one that measures to the tenth of a pound. I am really working on getting rid of this baby weight and so far it is working, but I want it gone NOW! I am going to weigh myself every Friday morning and then report my progress in my blog. Of course I won't be telling you my weight - I would be mortified, but I will say how much I lost. I am hoping it will keep me accountable if I am reporting each week. I have found through dieting for years that I really need that accountability. I am also checking into doing the 3 month Self Challenge at It starts in a could weeks. I am not sure how it works yet, but check it out. I guess you can sign up with friends so you can see how everyone in your group is doing.

Well, my little Princess has asked me to color with her, so I am off.

Peace out.


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