Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cuz you gotta have friends...

I just read my fiend (oops, friend ha ha) Kelli's post (see link) and really enjoyed it. She is so good about writing everyday and keeping it really interesting. I have known her since 7th or 8th grade so for about 17 years! Wow, I can't be almost 30 can I? Anyway, Kelli and I were really good friends in 8th grade and Freshman year. We played volleyball together and after that we kind of went our separate ways with different groups of friends, but we were never not friendly with each other. I think that happens a lot in high school. People get involved in different things and just find themselves going in different directions.

I have a terrible memory, but somewhere along the line Kelli and I got back in touch. We were both married and she had a little boy. Then we were both pregnant at the same time with our daughters. The are only 3 months apart. We have been friends since, getting together every now and then with our kids, and even finding time to meet each other for dinner. She is moving to California and I am sad, but know that we will keep in touch. I think it will be a great adventure for her family. I just have to say what a great influence she has been on my life. She is a great example of a Christian woman and I really thank her for that!

So, this weekend has been very nice. My husband took our daughter to see Curious George on opening day yesterday. I stayed home with the little dude. It was special for the two of them to have a father/daughter outing. They both really enjoyed it. We went out to dinner for my probably soon-to-be brother in law's birthday. Does that make sense? My husband's sister's serious boyfriend. I got to sleep in today and when I finally got out of bed at 9!, my husband had cleaned the house. What a nice treat to wake up to. He is really good about helping around the house. That man of mine...

I just did my in-law's taxes and don't have any plans for the rest of the day. It would be nice to just sit on the couch, but I imagine my list of projects will get me going. Maybe someday that list will be finished, or at least a little smaller. Yeah right.

Have a wonderful day!


Blogger Kelli said...

Thank you for the compliments. I enjoy our friendship too. I also enjoy reading your blog.

8:23 PM  

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