Tuesday, March 07, 2006


My sister just told me that my blog has been disappointing, so I promised I would post an entry today and mention her. So little sister, this one's for you...a personal message from your first older sister.

My lovely sister April is 3 years younger than me and about 6 inches taller. We seem to have gotten our height genes from opposite sides of the family. Then there is my sister Amber who is the oldest and about 2 inches shorter than me. I have always been in the middle age and height-wise. April and I haven't seen each other very much this year (see posting about me being a hermit). I promised her I would come over soon for a visit. I have only been to her house like 4 times since she has lived there. I know she thinks it is probably even less than that, but I just counted. It's not that she lives far away, I just don't go anywhere, unless something has been arranged or there is an event to attend. I rarely say no to an invitation - hint hint. ha ha. snort snort wheeze cough. April and I have always been pretty close, except when she and Amber were all buddy buddy when we were little. They would have sleep overs in their rooms and not invite me until my mom made them. Isn't that mean? Being the middle kid is so traumatizing. boo hoo. We were in high school together when I was a senior and she was a freshman. It was fun having her in high school and I never acted like I didn't know who she was when I would see her in the halls. She can be very goofy and we have some crazy home movies to prove it. Good times, good times.

Hmmmm....not much going on today. I am wracking my brain for something interesting to write about. I am excited that tonight is American Idol night. I like to Tivo it and then watch it later so I can fast forward all the commercials. I think the product companies must really hate Tivo. They spend all these millions on advertising and then people with Tivo don't ever watch their commercials.

If anyone else would like to be written about in my blog, please feel free to contact me. Due to time constraints, a small processing fee may be assessed. Compliments and embellishments are extra.

Peace out.


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