Friday, March 17, 2006

How do you spell that?

When my daughter was beginning to talk, she would ask over and over what's that, what's that? Now it's how do you spell that - about EVERYTHING!! She is so funny. While I was washing dishes the other day I was teasing her and told her I was going to "get her" when she was least expecting it. She squealed and ran into the other room. I figured she wouldn't know what "least expecting it" meant. A few mintues later she yells into the kithen " mommy, I'm least expecting it!". I was laughing so hard. She loves to dance, especially to the Move It song from the movie Madagascar. I actually have a version of it from when I was in high school so I was playing it for her the other day. She was busting a move so I started dancing with her. She grabs my hand leads me over to the computer chair and said "sit there and do your work". She is such a good helper with her little brother. He was super fussy because he has a bad cold. I had put him in the exersaucer and was headed in to get him when she runs by me with a handful of his toys and sets them in front of him. He quited down and started playing with them. You should see those two together. They are each other's favorite person I swear. If I put him down for a nap, she comes running up asking where the Little Dude is like I forgot where I put him. She keeps me in line and I love her so very very much. I feel just the same about my son. You just get more love with each baby. I guess at some point I figured you had to share the love you already had. There's always more than enough to go around.


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