Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Spring is Here!

Wa hoo, it's Springtime! I can't believe we have passed through winter already. I kept hoping for some snow, but now I am ready to see the sun and get some flowers planted in a month or so. I usually go all out with my yard and flowers. I am not sure if I will this year since this will probably be our last spring in this house.

I had mentioned that my daughter was going to have some tests to see what is up with her tummy issues. Well they all came back fine so doc wanted to see her again. He scheduled an ultrasound for her next week. I didn't think too much of it until I had time to think about what an ultrasound might find. I was kind of a wreck last night after everyone was in bed and I was alone with my thoughts. The most terrible thoughts were coming into my head and I couldn't push them out. 99% of me thinks she will be fine, but that 1% of doubt is enough to keep me worried until I find out the results.

In other news, my dad was in the paper twice today. He was selected Man of the Year in his hometown. I am very proud of him. Good going dad, you deserve it! He is a very good person, volunteering with different organizations through the years. I could call him up and ask him for money, help, whatever, he would say yes without hesitation or question. My sisters and I are lucky girls. We were (and still are to some extent) raised by wonderful parents.

I am going to go now. I want to spend some time lovin' on my kids. Little rascals...


Blogger Kelli said...

Speaking of your dad, I saw him in Costco along with your mom and your little girl the other day. That was cool. I hope your dear little boy is better now. Way go go Dad for getting man of the year!! And I'll be praying for your little miss...

2:00 PM  

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