Friday, November 03, 2006

Mish Mash

Well as the three of you readers know, I maybe get around to posting once or twice a month. You'd think I would have all the time in the world, but somehow I don't. I saw a wonderful bit of news this morning on the front page of the paper. My old bosses are being sued for a project they did. That probably sounds very spiteful of me, but they were honestly just terrible people to work for. They didn't respect their employees one bit. I remember that they were mad at me when I took maternity leave because they expected me back in the office TWO days after having my daughter. They also checked into NOT letting me have maternity leave - to see if they legally had to do it. The list goes on and on, and my fellow ex-coworkers can attest to all they rotten things they have done. So in my world, this is good news!

I wanted to give a little "shout out" to my mom's older sister - My Aunt M. She came down from northern WA to help my mom with a painting project. About 5 years ago when my mom was recovering from cancer surgery, she came down and stayed with my parents and helped out with my mom and whatever else she could do. I am so happy my mom has such a caring generous sister. Thank you Auntie M - you are the best!

The best news lately is that my sister had her baby! On my dad's birthday, too. He is such a little cutie pie. I could hold him all day. It is so fun to have a new tiny baby in the family. I hope I get to help take care of him down the road.

Well, I don't want to spoil the three of you - you may start to expect more than I am willing to give. Thanks for reading y'all. :-)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

We almost didn't make it out alive.

It was 7:00 p.m. on a Saturday night at Costco. My husband and I had just arrived about 10 minutes earlier and were meandering around the aisles. Wow, we thought, this is sure the time to come to Costco - got a good parking space, practically empty, aren't we smart? Well as we headed towards the household cleaner section, a stern Costco employee stepped into our path, held up a flashlight - what the heck?? - and told us they were closed and to head to the front of the store. Closed!! What, this can't be, I thought. I was so close to the Electrosol tablets that I could practically smell them. I screamed Nooooooooooooooo! silently in my head and looked with longing down the aisle. The Costco employee was not smiling and once again brandished the flashlight menacingly. I looked for a detour, but my way was blocked by another Costco employee. They were blocking every aisle except for the ones that led to the checkout. How could I be so close yet so far away??!! My husband was going through his own turmoil as the only thing he wanted was coffee. We looked at each other and I knew instantly he was going to make a run for it. Our eyes met for a moment and I knew that if we didn't see each other on the other side of the checkout counter, we would never doubt the love we had for each other. I headed to the front of the store with our cart and as I came to the medicine section, I darted and ran (yes, I really did) to the contact solution area. I didn't stop and I skidded around the corner grabbing the right brand of solution. My hurdle was over but my husband was nowhere in sight. I slowly placed my few items on the checkout belt, trying to buy time for a husband I may never see again. All hope was lost as I handed my membership card to the checker. Tears welled up in my eyes and I thouht of how I would make sure that the childeren knew that their father was a hero. Suddenly the blur of red t-shirt in motion caught my eye - yes, it was him!!! He was headed down the main aisle with objects in both arms. Coffee.....and....let me compose myself...........ELECTROSOL tablets!!!!! I ran towards him and we embraced and fell to the floor. We walked hand in hand to place the final two items on the belt. I said with awe "how in the world did you get the coffee and Electrosol?". As he fought back the tears of relief, he could only whisper.........I can't talk about it my love, I just can't go through it again....

Monday, September 18, 2006

Busy busy

Well the last two weeks have been very hectic for me. I was busy with a deadline for work - up past midnight a couple times, then I hosted both a baby shower and then a bridal shower, then my son got very sick with a virus. I have to say it is nice to have my house back to normal after having these parties. They were fun, but a lot of work - the last one was 28 people in my living room. We were kind of maxed out. So the wedding is in a month, and my sister's baby is due 3 days later. I am so worried she will have the baby on the day of the wedding and I won't get to be at the hospital (not in the room, just waiting). Hopefully things will work out. The wedding should be fun. My daughter is a flower girl and my husband and I are both in it. We got a mini tux for my son who is just over a year. We'll have to get a family picture all dressed up.

Since I was so busy with other stuff, I am a little behind on things like balancing my checkbook, online banking, those kind of fun things. Better make sure I got everything paid! Anyhow, totally boring, I know. I will go now and be a mom....maybe more later, who knows??

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I just read a message from a friend who said she was going to check out my latest post - one that I said I was going to write, but haven't. So here I am trying to beat her to my blog. Today was my daughter's first day of preschool. It was kind of hectic in the morning, but then nice to be "kid free" for an hour and a half while little brother was napping. This is going to take some getting used to! Tomorrow night is swim lessons and I am babysitting my niece in the afternoon. She and her cousin play like crazy, so it should be good for both of them. Golly....boring boring boring. I don't have a snappy thought in my head right now... I will spare both of you - okay maybe I should have said the three of you. Maybe I should post this link on my myspace page. Then I would have 4 or even 5! viewers. Hot ziggity.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is not a dream

I know, I know. I just gave the three people who used to read this a heart attack. I'm baaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkk. You never thought you'd see the day, huh?? I should probably update everyone on what's been going on. Well my daughter is starting grad school and my son is off to his Sophomore year of college. My hubby and I are moving to Arizona for the winter and we have 10 dogs, 3 horses, 5 cats, a gerbil, 14 goats and a llama. Ha ha ha, I am so freakin funny, right? snort snort.

Actually we did move back to my hometown area and are settled into our new house. We love love love our house and living in the semi-country (well we can see a barn and grass field from our upstairs window). Stores like Costco, Lowes and HOme Depot are only 12 minutes away so we don't feel like we are out in the boonies.

Miss K, my daughter is starting preschool next week!! Can't believe it. She is exited one day and then dreading it the next, so the first day should be fun. I think she will be just fine and hopefully not cry when I leave. She starts dance class the week after and is still doing swim lessons on Thursdays. I was going to take her out of swim lessons, but she is doing so well and really making progress that I don't want to interrupt things.

Mr. J, my baby is now 1 year old! What the heck?? He is running around, heading for the stairs every time he has a chance. He keeps me busy. He is finally sleeping through the night and has even spent the night at grandma and grandpa's twice. So nice to have the kids out of the house at times.

My sister has about 6 weeks left in her pregnancy. I am so excited for that little bugger to get here. I can't wait. My little sister and I are throwing her a shower next weekend here. Should be fun fun fun.

Well, that's it for now. I don't want to create any expectations about my blog and the length of my posts. You know me......

Friday, June 02, 2006

My little guy is now pulling up on everything. I am not ready for him to be headed into the toddler stage!! I need a pause button. My daughter is going to be 4 in less than two weeks and I just enrolled her in preschool.
A whole new world. She is very excited. I think it will be nice to have some mornings with just my son. He hasn't gotten me to himself like my daughter did. The little darling is screaming his head off right now. He is overly tired so I put him back down for his third nap of the day. We have let him cry it out at night now, so he is sleeping through. Do you hear the angels singing? I wish we had done it sooner. It is so hard to let him di da, I don't hear anything. He's going to be a snotball when he wakes up.

My hubby and I are going out to dinner tonight. This is probably the 3rd time since my son was born. We really need to get away without the kids for the night. Maybe we can do that this summer. I have to figure out where we want to eat....same old places come to mind. This is boring so I am going to spare you and sign off now...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"I just barfed a little bit"

Warning, the following contains some subject matter that may gross out some people.

So my daughter tells me a few days ago that she had a "yucky burp". I said something like uh oh and went about my business. She comes over to me and says "I just barfed a little bit". I was like what do you mean, you threw up? I don't know where she heard that, but it cracked me up. She didn't really throw up, so she was just being dramatic about the burp I guess.

I am really being a bad blogger these days. I just don't really have much to say that would be entertaining I guess. My kids keep me laughing. The little dude is crawling and bobbing to music. He loves his sister so much and she thinks he is the best thing in the world. She must not think I take care of him to her standards because she will question where he is if I have put him down for a nap, like I lost him or something. She can find a binky faster than either my husband or myself, and she remembers that he needs his dog to go to sleep. She'll run in with it and say your forgot this mom. Yeah, it's mom now. Not mommy, and never mama anymore. Makes me sad....