Wednesday, April 19, 2006

blah blah blah

I am just sitting here telling myself to get to bed, but feeling like I need to do some e-mailing and post something - anything on my blog. I haven't posted anything for ages because I honestly don't have anything remarkable to talk about. My sister checks my blog regularly so I can't let her down. I'd like to give a special shout-out to April D. You're off the hook, yo. This is a new favorite phrase that my husband says ALL THE TIME!! He started saying it to be silly, but it has stuck and now my daughter is saying it. I live with a bunch of hip hop peeps. Translation?? 200 pts....anyone??

No news, nothing. I did join (if that is what it is) My friend said a bunch of our classmates from high school were on there. It was very interesting to read about everyone. It makes me a little nervous to post photos and info about myself. Not sure if anything bad could come of it. I am a little paranoid I guess. Of course I didn't have to post a photo, but I thought what the heck. Isn't it weird the connection you have to people just because you went to school with them? Maybe it is because I went to a school in a small town and knew about everyone who went there. My husband doesn't keep in touch with any of his classmates and has no desire to get back in touch with anyone. He went to a school about 5 times as big as mine. Or maybe it's because he is a boy. :-) Who knows.

Oh, I do have news. If you can call a new addiction something to share with people. I love soduko or is it sudoku??? Either way, I love these little puzzles that can take me ages to figure out. I am hoping it will jump start my brain. I feel like I don't use much of what I learned in school and I am afraid I am dummying up as we speak. You mean what I know? I mean.....uh.....hmmm......pretty birdie.......


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