Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"I just barfed a little bit"

Warning, the following contains some subject matter that may gross out some people.

So my daughter tells me a few days ago that she had a "yucky burp". I said something like uh oh and went about my business. She comes over to me and says "I just barfed a little bit". I was like what do you mean, you threw up? I don't know where she heard that, but it cracked me up. She didn't really throw up, so she was just being dramatic about the burp I guess.

I am really being a bad blogger these days. I just don't really have much to say that would be entertaining I guess. My kids keep me laughing. The little dude is crawling and bobbing to music. He loves his sister so much and she thinks he is the best thing in the world. She must not think I take care of him to her standards because she will question where he is if I have put him down for a nap, like I lost him or something. She can find a binky faster than either my husband or myself, and she remembers that he needs his dog to go to sleep. She'll run in with it and say your forgot this mom. Yeah, it's mom now. Not mommy, and never mama anymore. Makes me sad....


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