Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is not a dream

I know, I know. I just gave the three people who used to read this a heart attack. I'm baaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkk. You never thought you'd see the day, huh?? I should probably update everyone on what's been going on. Well my daughter is starting grad school and my son is off to his Sophomore year of college. My hubby and I are moving to Arizona for the winter and we have 10 dogs, 3 horses, 5 cats, a gerbil, 14 goats and a llama. Ha ha ha, I am so freakin funny, right? snort snort.

Actually we did move back to my hometown area and are settled into our new house. We love love love our house and living in the semi-country (well we can see a barn and grass field from our upstairs window). Stores like Costco, Lowes and HOme Depot are only 12 minutes away so we don't feel like we are out in the boonies.

Miss K, my daughter is starting preschool next week!! Can't believe it. She is exited one day and then dreading it the next, so the first day should be fun. I think she will be just fine and hopefully not cry when I leave. She starts dance class the week after and is still doing swim lessons on Thursdays. I was going to take her out of swim lessons, but she is doing so well and really making progress that I don't want to interrupt things.

Mr. J, my baby is now 1 year old! What the heck?? He is running around, heading for the stairs every time he has a chance. He keeps me busy. He is finally sleeping through the night and has even spent the night at grandma and grandpa's twice. So nice to have the kids out of the house at times.

My sister has about 6 weeks left in her pregnancy. I am so excited for that little bugger to get here. I can't wait. My little sister and I are throwing her a shower next weekend here. Should be fun fun fun.

Well, that's it for now. I don't want to create any expectations about my blog and the length of my posts. You know me......


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