Friday, June 02, 2006

My little guy is now pulling up on everything. I am not ready for him to be headed into the toddler stage!! I need a pause button. My daughter is going to be 4 in less than two weeks and I just enrolled her in preschool.
A whole new world. She is very excited. I think it will be nice to have some mornings with just my son. He hasn't gotten me to himself like my daughter did. The little darling is screaming his head off right now. He is overly tired so I put him back down for his third nap of the day. We have let him cry it out at night now, so he is sleeping through. Do you hear the angels singing? I wish we had done it sooner. It is so hard to let him di da, I don't hear anything. He's going to be a snotball when he wakes up.

My hubby and I are going out to dinner tonight. This is probably the 3rd time since my son was born. We really need to get away without the kids for the night. Maybe we can do that this summer. I have to figure out where we want to eat....same old places come to mind. This is boring so I am going to spare you and sign off now...