Monday, September 18, 2006

Busy busy

Well the last two weeks have been very hectic for me. I was busy with a deadline for work - up past midnight a couple times, then I hosted both a baby shower and then a bridal shower, then my son got very sick with a virus. I have to say it is nice to have my house back to normal after having these parties. They were fun, but a lot of work - the last one was 28 people in my living room. We were kind of maxed out. So the wedding is in a month, and my sister's baby is due 3 days later. I am so worried she will have the baby on the day of the wedding and I won't get to be at the hospital (not in the room, just waiting). Hopefully things will work out. The wedding should be fun. My daughter is a flower girl and my husband and I are both in it. We got a mini tux for my son who is just over a year. We'll have to get a family picture all dressed up.

Since I was so busy with other stuff, I am a little behind on things like balancing my checkbook, online banking, those kind of fun things. Better make sure I got everything paid! Anyhow, totally boring, I know. I will go now and be a mom....maybe more later, who knows??

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I just read a message from a friend who said she was going to check out my latest post - one that I said I was going to write, but haven't. So here I am trying to beat her to my blog. Today was my daughter's first day of preschool. It was kind of hectic in the morning, but then nice to be "kid free" for an hour and a half while little brother was napping. This is going to take some getting used to! Tomorrow night is swim lessons and I am babysitting my niece in the afternoon. She and her cousin play like crazy, so it should be good for both of them. Golly....boring boring boring. I don't have a snappy thought in my head right now... I will spare both of you - okay maybe I should have said the three of you. Maybe I should post this link on my myspace page. Then I would have 4 or even 5! viewers. Hot ziggity.