Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tea Anyone?

I had afternoon tea with a delightful little lady. She was wearing a fancy dress two sizes too small with a long sleeved shirt underneath, a headband that didn't match, and all the jewelry she owns. We had graham crackers with frosting and strawberries. I got out my nice Mikasa teacups and saucers. I just kept smiling and staring at her thinking of how special it was to be spending time with her. I am sure you have figured out it was my soon to be 4 year old (yikes!!) daughter. My son was napping and I wanted to do something fun with my daughter. I told her I had a surprise and walked into her room with everything. You would have thought I had turned into Barney - she was so excited. We sat on her floor and ate and giggled. I should have taken a picture. I am sure it won't be the last tea party we have though.

I checking into swimming lessons and found that she can go to the ones at a local athletic club. She tried them last summer somewhere else, but was petrified when she was told to cling to the wall until it was her turn. She doesn't know how to swim at all and was holding onto the wall in 5 ft. deep water. It made me soooo nervous and she cried almost the whole time. The instructor was not sympathic at all and kept asking her why she was crying. She would try to pull herself up high enough to look over the wall and see me and then she would scream "mama, mama!". How can you ignore that?? So I checked with this new place and they said they have the kids sit on the wall until they are certified as "water safe". It is kind of spendy, but I am willing to pay if it means she will learn to be comfortable in the water, and learn to swim.

As far as moving goes, I think we are going to put our house up for sale in July and then plan on moving to a duplex or renting a house for a few months until our new house is built. I might be jumping the gun a bit because the City Planning Department has to approve us building on that lot. They have pretty much indicated that there won't be a problem, but we can't do anything until it is official. That whole process will probably take a month. After it is official, we will get our plans drawn up, get quotes from builders, and get going. I don't know how long it should take for a new house, but hopefully it will be done no later than this Fall. I am getting really excited about it, but should probably not count on anything until we go through the process with the city.

That's all folks!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

blah blah blah

I am just sitting here telling myself to get to bed, but feeling like I need to do some e-mailing and post something - anything on my blog. I haven't posted anything for ages because I honestly don't have anything remarkable to talk about. My sister checks my blog regularly so I can't let her down. I'd like to give a special shout-out to April D. You're off the hook, yo. This is a new favorite phrase that my husband says ALL THE TIME!! He started saying it to be silly, but it has stuck and now my daughter is saying it. I live with a bunch of hip hop peeps. Translation?? 200 pts....anyone??

No news, nothing. I did join (if that is what it is) My friend said a bunch of our classmates from high school were on there. It was very interesting to read about everyone. It makes me a little nervous to post photos and info about myself. Not sure if anything bad could come of it. I am a little paranoid I guess. Of course I didn't have to post a photo, but I thought what the heck. Isn't it weird the connection you have to people just because you went to school with them? Maybe it is because I went to a school in a small town and knew about everyone who went there. My husband doesn't keep in touch with any of his classmates and has no desire to get back in touch with anyone. He went to a school about 5 times as big as mine. Or maybe it's because he is a boy. :-) Who knows.

Oh, I do have news. If you can call a new addiction something to share with people. I love soduko or is it sudoku??? Either way, I love these little puzzles that can take me ages to figure out. I am hoping it will jump start my brain. I feel like I don't use much of what I learned in school and I am afraid I am dummying up as we speak. You mean what I know? I mean.....uh.....hmmm......pretty birdie.......

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Big News!

I am going to be an Auntie! My "big" sister is pregnant and due in October. I am very excited for her and her husband. She was so wonderful when I was pregnant, keeping track of how far along I was, calling me after every appointment if I didn't call her first, watching my daughter so I could go to doctor's appointments, bringing me snickerdoodle cookies from Great Harvest, and a ton of other thoughtful things. She was so supportive and always offering to help out with anything I could think of. I am excited to be able to do the same for her. I can't wait for the little squirt to get here! It will be so neat to see her go through all the amazing things that motherhood brings.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I love to make lists.

I am a list maker. I can make a list for just about anything. Shopping lists, to-do lists, wish lists, chore lists, whatever, you name it, I have probably made a list for it. I love to see things down on paper. Now whether or not I accomplish the tasks is another thing. I tend to lose the lists I make and then have to make them all over again. I think I lose them just so I can get the enjoyment out of making a new one. Weirdo...I know. Wack-a-doo.

Anyhoo, my daughters ultrasound came back fine fine fine! I am very relieved although the past few days I haven't even been worrying about it. So now we are on to some medication to see if that will help.

I got a lot accomplished today. Cleaned, did some office work, booked a camping resevation for May - going with my parents over to Lincoln City. Grandma is coming to pick up my sweetie so she can go play with her cousin while grandma is babysitting her. I am looking forward to having just the little dude here because I can watch whatever the heck I want to and not have to worry about little ears/eyes understanding the content. Oh I am sure there are some of you out there who think that a 7 month old can pick up the subject matter, but I am not too worried. I don't watch tv ever anymore it seems, at least nothing that isn't on children's programming. Hubby and I are going to do a little shopping at the new Target. It is a super nice store and not crowded at all. Isn't that terribly exciting??

It's like 70 degrees outside and I have the windows open. Smell that fresh air!!