Thursday, March 30, 2006


I realize it has been ages since I have posted a new entry. I don't think I ever did an update on my daughter's tests. They all came back fine so the doc ordered an abdominal ultrasound which she had yesterday. She was quite a trooper. The test took a long time and then she had to drink some juice and wait for her bladder to fill up. We were in there about an hour and a half. I was going to take her for a milkshake but she just wanted to go home and have pancakes. The technician said she was the best "little" patient she had ever had. I was nervous about how well she would do, but she never cried and just got a little antsy at the end. I am so very proud of her. Today I took her to the carousel for being so good. Little brother and grandma went, too. She had a ball and afterwards grandma took us out to lunch. My son was great and we enjoyed a nice lunch with two sweet kids.

We are leaving for camping tomorrow. Heading to the beach in our travel trailer. I am very excited. We just LOVE camping in our trailer. We had considered selling it at one point, and I am so glad we kept it. I have been running around the house kind of crazy getting things ready. I need to come up with a check list of items for each camping trip. We got it last summer and have only used it 4 or 5 times. This place we are going to has an indoor pool so if the weather is not beach weather, we have something to do.

My hubby is working a weird day today. Noon until midnight or something like that. It works out great because he has tomorrow off and we can get out of here at a decent time. It is strange being home by myself and getting the kids to bed, but also kind of nice. I am going to put in a movie and get cracking on my huge pile of laundry. I may find a third kid under it all. ha ha.

Okay, I am going to go now and have some time to unwind. After I make a chicken casserole, fold the laundry, and put clean sheets on the bed. My glamorous life :-) Which reminds me of a song from when I was in middle school I think. My sister had the 45 record and she sometimes let me listen to it.

She wears a long fur coat of mink, even in the summertime.....everybody knows from her coy little wink, the girl's got a lot on her mind. She wants to lead the glamorous life...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Spring is Here!

Wa hoo, it's Springtime! I can't believe we have passed through winter already. I kept hoping for some snow, but now I am ready to see the sun and get some flowers planted in a month or so. I usually go all out with my yard and flowers. I am not sure if I will this year since this will probably be our last spring in this house.

I had mentioned that my daughter was going to have some tests to see what is up with her tummy issues. Well they all came back fine so doc wanted to see her again. He scheduled an ultrasound for her next week. I didn't think too much of it until I had time to think about what an ultrasound might find. I was kind of a wreck last night after everyone was in bed and I was alone with my thoughts. The most terrible thoughts were coming into my head and I couldn't push them out. 99% of me thinks she will be fine, but that 1% of doubt is enough to keep me worried until I find out the results.

In other news, my dad was in the paper twice today. He was selected Man of the Year in his hometown. I am very proud of him. Good going dad, you deserve it! He is a very good person, volunteering with different organizations through the years. I could call him up and ask him for money, help, whatever, he would say yes without hesitation or question. My sisters and I are lucky girls. We were (and still are to some extent) raised by wonderful parents.

I am going to go now. I want to spend some time lovin' on my kids. Little rascals...

Friday, March 17, 2006

How do you spell that?

When my daughter was beginning to talk, she would ask over and over what's that, what's that? Now it's how do you spell that - about EVERYTHING!! She is so funny. While I was washing dishes the other day I was teasing her and told her I was going to "get her" when she was least expecting it. She squealed and ran into the other room. I figured she wouldn't know what "least expecting it" meant. A few mintues later she yells into the kithen " mommy, I'm least expecting it!". I was laughing so hard. She loves to dance, especially to the Move It song from the movie Madagascar. I actually have a version of it from when I was in high school so I was playing it for her the other day. She was busting a move so I started dancing with her. She grabs my hand leads me over to the computer chair and said "sit there and do your work". She is such a good helper with her little brother. He was super fussy because he has a bad cold. I had put him in the exersaucer and was headed in to get him when she runs by me with a handful of his toys and sets them in front of him. He quited down and started playing with them. You should see those two together. They are each other's favorite person I swear. If I put him down for a nap, she comes running up asking where the Little Dude is like I forgot where I put him. She keeps me in line and I love her so very very much. I feel just the same about my son. You just get more love with each baby. I guess at some point I figured you had to share the love you already had. There's always more than enough to go around.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Wind Beneath My Wings

Oh my gosh, I had just written this huge post and it just disappeared. How totally frustrating. &*%$#!!
Anyway, we have had a hectic week. We had a freak windstorm hit our house last Wednesday and it did a lot of damage. Our 30' tree blew down and knocked over about 50' of our fence, a window was broken, and our roof is pretty much ruined. We had shingles from our neighbors' roofs all over our yard, front and back. They were embedded in the lawn about 3 inches in some places and stuck into the fence. My mom was here with the kids and said she could hear the wind building and getting louder and louder and then it hit our house and broke the window. She called me at work to tell me and as we were on the phone some boys came by to tell her the tree had blown down. I figured they meant the lilac tree since the only other tree we have is the ash tree. I came home to find my yard a total mess. The front of the house and the underneath of the porch were splattered with large chunks of mud, the hot tub cover was ripped off and broken, the hot tub itself was moved about a foot and a half, the swingset was blown into the fence and the slide ended up in the neighbors tree. Our garage door is dented from a shingle hitting it. If the truck had been parked in the driveway, it would have been hit rather than the garage door, so thank goodness I was at work. My mom said she looked out the window when she heard the wind gusting and saw debris swirling around. I swear it was some sort of mini tornado because some things in our backyard never moved, like our BBQ which was right next to the hot tub. A sand bucket was still in the same place close to where the tree blew over. The force was so huge that the roots of the tree were snapped, not pulled up. I wish I could have seen it. Our neighbors said their windows shook for 15 seconds. Besides some roof damage around us and across the street, our house seemed to have gotten the worst of it. My wonderful dad came over that night to help my husband cover the bad areas on the roof. The next day we had people come give us estimates for the window and roof, and then the insurance adjustor came out. My husband stayed home on Thursday and worked all day getting the tree cut up. Then he replaced the fence on Saturday and Sunday. I got the outside all cleaned up so we are almost back to normal. We have to get a new window and a new roof, but other people will do that work.

I tried to log on to post this entry, but the website kept having server problems.

Well I am off to call a few roofing companies. Also have to call the doc because my daughter keeps saying her tummy and chest hurt. It's been going on a few weeks now so I don't think she is just imagining it. Better safe than sorry. Will keep you all posted.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


My sister just told me that my blog has been disappointing, so I promised I would post an entry today and mention her. So little sister, this one's for you...a personal message from your first older sister.

My lovely sister April is 3 years younger than me and about 6 inches taller. We seem to have gotten our height genes from opposite sides of the family. Then there is my sister Amber who is the oldest and about 2 inches shorter than me. I have always been in the middle age and height-wise. April and I haven't seen each other very much this year (see posting about me being a hermit). I promised her I would come over soon for a visit. I have only been to her house like 4 times since she has lived there. I know she thinks it is probably even less than that, but I just counted. It's not that she lives far away, I just don't go anywhere, unless something has been arranged or there is an event to attend. I rarely say no to an invitation - hint hint. ha ha. snort snort wheeze cough. April and I have always been pretty close, except when she and Amber were all buddy buddy when we were little. They would have sleep overs in their rooms and not invite me until my mom made them. Isn't that mean? Being the middle kid is so traumatizing. boo hoo. We were in high school together when I was a senior and she was a freshman. It was fun having her in high school and I never acted like I didn't know who she was when I would see her in the halls. She can be very goofy and we have some crazy home movies to prove it. Good times, good times.

Hmmmm....not much going on today. I am wracking my brain for something interesting to write about. I am excited that tonight is American Idol night. I like to Tivo it and then watch it later so I can fast forward all the commercials. I think the product companies must really hate Tivo. They spend all these millions on advertising and then people with Tivo don't ever watch their commercials.

If anyone else would like to be written about in my blog, please feel free to contact me. Due to time constraints, a small processing fee may be assessed. Compliments and embellishments are extra.

Peace out.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I haven't given up...

I bet you all thought I had finally given up my blog. Well amazingly, I am still journaling regularly (okay, so maybe not so regularly this week). My schedule was a little different this week so I kind of got off track.

The kids and I are going to meet a friend for lunch. We used to work together at my old office. We have both been very lucky to find jobs with great companies. The other company was just terrible to work for. They expected me to come back to work TWO days after having my daughter. I could tell you so many stories about that place. Anyway.....

Yes, I am venturing out with the kiddies. I am trying to get out of my comfort zone. Better head out.