Saturday, February 25, 2006

6:30 am, are you kidding me????

So my two darling little children got together and decided to start waking up no later than 6:30 in the morning. For someone who stays up late at night, that is waaaaaayyyyyy too early. My daughter was sleeping in until 8 or 8:30, but when the little one wakes up, she is up, too. She came down with a fever yesterday, so being sick, I figured she would sleep in late today. As for the little one, I tried to feed him to get him back to sleep and he just ate a little bit and then started to smiling and cooing at me. So we are up and I am trying to wake up. I am not a coffee person, but on days like this, I wish I liked the taste of it. Now if there were a Starbucks in my house, I would whip up a mocha, but I don't like just plain coffee. My favorite drink at Starbucks is actually a hot chocolate. Yum yum. If only they delivered...

Since I have a sicko, our weekend plans have been cancelled. I really hope the little dude doesn't get sick, too. He's teething, so that would be so fun to have him sick, too.

If anyone reading this lives out in S. Salem, I would appreciate hearing about how you like living out there. I used to say I NEVER wanted to live out there - I am not really sure why though. Probably because of how congested it gets with traffic. I want to be close to stores like Home Depot and Lowes, and then a general store like Target. I am coming around to the idea. We would be closer to friends and family who live out there. We are about 20 minutes away from them now, so not too far, but it would be easier to get together living that close. Plus, my kids would be closer to some of their cousin(s). They only have one right now, but could have up to 4 in the next few years living in that area. I was never close with any of my cousins. I only had a couple close to my age, but they lived in other towns or states. I really want my kids to be close with theirs.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Anyone have a calendar?

When I got up this morning I had to stop and think what day it was. It has been a busy week so far. Monday was my 3 year old's dance class in my hometown about a half hour away, Tuesday we had a friend and her daughter over for lunch. Then my sister had dinner with us and kept us company while my husband was gone overnight for a training conference in Portland. Wednesday I went into work. Today my husband's sister-in-law is coming over with her 16 month old. Tomorrow night my daughter is spending the night at her grandparents', Saturday I am going to a danceteam competition and Sunday we have a birthday party. The danceteam competition is something my sister and I do maybe once a year. It is fun to watch and see how things have changed since we were in high school oh so many years ago. We wear our old danceteam jackets and really heavy makeup like we used to when we were danceteam girls. Sometimes when they are sweeping the floor between teams we run out onto the floor and bust a move. Everyone thinks it is so cool. :-)

My hubby has to work 10 hour days for the next week, through the weekend, so that really makes a difference when he is not around as much. I feel bad for him that he won't have a weekend. He gets up at 4:30 and won't be home until around 7:00 pm. I hope it isn't for more than a week.

So we are trying to decide what we want to do about a new house. We really want to build, but there just aren't any options where we live now. We could move about 15 minutes away, but it is in the opposite direction of where my husband usually works, so that would add to his commute time. We'll just have to see what comes up I guess. No hurry.

Time to clean...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Mystery at Safeway

I went grocery shopping yesterday at Safeway. When I got to the checkout line I unloaded my groceries and noticed I was missing a carton of strawberries. I went and grabbed another one and figured someone had grabbed it out of my cart. So I got home and unloaded the groceries and found that somehow I had bought grapes, but my apples, asparagus and cucumber were missing. Somehow my cart got switched with someone else's. I don't know if I did it, or if they did, but isn't that funny? I can figure out exactly where it happened because I have some of the produce I put in my cart. I wonder if the other person ended up buying everything else, or if they noticed, unlike me, as they put it on the checkout belt. I went to the store specifically to buy fresh fruits and veggies and was so absentminded I didn't realize what had happened. That's my excitement for the weekend. I have to run my daughter to dance class this afternoon and her grandma is going with us. Should be a nice little outing.

Good news! My sister-in-law got engaged this weekend and asked me to be her maid of honor. I am very excited and really looking forward to a wedding and helping plan it. She wants to get married in Sept or Oct this year. Fun fun fun.

Peace out.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Well I just got back from scrapbooking and my husband said I left my blog open an d he read it. I smiled because he was smiling like he enjoyed it. I asked if he thought it was funny and he just shook his head like it was stupid, so now I feel dumb about my blog and mad that he reacted like that. He seemed to be embarrassed that people I know were reading it. I just get my feelings hurt too easily I guess. I don't see what harm there is in writing down my thoughts and being a little kooky at times. He thinks I go too far sometimes when I am being goofy I think.

My little guy wants to eat, so I am off. Just had to vent.

A quick note...

I have to be brief because I am going scrapbooking here in about an hour. I am taking the kids until my husband gets off work, so that means I have to pack a lot of extra stuff. He wasn't supposed to work and then found out late yesterday that he had to go in for a half day.

So yes, I am a scrapbooker girl. I am wayyy behind, but really want to get started on my son's babybook today. It should be fun once I get there.

Gosh, this is so boring. I will write more later dudes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The dream that never was...

I got to watch a few minutes of tv tonight after finishing up some work for my office.

American Idol is entertaining and I am really kicking myself for not trying out again this year. The first year they said I had promise and I should a)learn to sing, b)learn to sign and c)learn to sing. I thought that was very encouraging, so I took my boombox and went home determined to learn a really hard song like Oops I Did it Again. So then the next year I went all the way to Timbucktoo for tryouts and they remembered me, or maybe they remembered my leopard print leotard and leg warmers that I had worn again. They said I was better, but I sounded a bit like a frog with a mouthful of hair trying to sing. Well that was encouraging so I went back the next year and tried out in Kalamazoo. Boy were they impressed. As I belted out I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany (so cool) they laughed and laughed and gasped and sputtered so I assume they had heard a funny joke before I began signing. Those three, I tell you, bunch of jokesters. I was sure it would be my year, but they said although I was "unbelievable" I just wasn't what they were looking for. Alas, I went home with a heavy heart. So I vowed to never put myself through that again. Now seeing the show this year, I can see that I would have really fit in and had a very good chance of making it. I will never get to share my version of Funky Cole Medina with the world. Sad sad sad.

See and you are thinking I went ahead and had that wine I was talking about last night! Nope, it's all just me, uncut and on the mike.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ice Cream or Wine...???

Well I just finished my first draft of a project for work. I have been working on it almost all day from 7 this morning until now off and on. I had to take care of the kiddos, do some laundry, vacuum, tidy the house and have dinner somewhere in there, but it has consumed my day. I hate hate hate when my work is my priority for the day, because the kids get put on the back burner. I didn't play with them hardly at all. A day like this only happens once or twice a year, but I just feel terrible. I guess that is the drawback of working from home. It is partially my fault that it took me all day because I should have gotten a better start on it this weekend. Anyway, I have the first draft into my boss for his review and then I have maybe two more hours to work on it. I promised my daughter that we would play together all day as soon as this is finished up. I said we would do anything she wanted. She was at her grandparents until 10 this morning and then off to her other grandparents at 4, so she did get to have some fun.

So my Valentine's Day was very unromantic and I talked to my husband for maybe 15 minutes today. He is off to bed and fast asleep already. I am wiped out, but kind of need to wind down. So I am craving some sort of treat for my hectic day. Ice cream or wine? I should just go to bed, but I think I will grab an ice cream (it's Weight Watchers but sooo yummy).

Well, my eyes are blurry and the ice cream bar is calling my name. Thanks for letting me rant on about my day.

Happy Valentines Day. Ihope you all got a lot of chocolate and diamonds. Ha ha.

I leave you with a romantic ballad in honor of Valentines Day - Love, exciting and new, come aboard, we're expecting you........

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cuz you gotta have friends...

I just read my fiend (oops, friend ha ha) Kelli's post (see link) and really enjoyed it. She is so good about writing everyday and keeping it really interesting. I have known her since 7th or 8th grade so for about 17 years! Wow, I can't be almost 30 can I? Anyway, Kelli and I were really good friends in 8th grade and Freshman year. We played volleyball together and after that we kind of went our separate ways with different groups of friends, but we were never not friendly with each other. I think that happens a lot in high school. People get involved in different things and just find themselves going in different directions.

I have a terrible memory, but somewhere along the line Kelli and I got back in touch. We were both married and she had a little boy. Then we were both pregnant at the same time with our daughters. The are only 3 months apart. We have been friends since, getting together every now and then with our kids, and even finding time to meet each other for dinner. She is moving to California and I am sad, but know that we will keep in touch. I think it will be a great adventure for her family. I just have to say what a great influence she has been on my life. She is a great example of a Christian woman and I really thank her for that!

So, this weekend has been very nice. My husband took our daughter to see Curious George on opening day yesterday. I stayed home with the little dude. It was special for the two of them to have a father/daughter outing. They both really enjoyed it. We went out to dinner for my probably soon-to-be brother in law's birthday. Does that make sense? My husband's sister's serious boyfriend. I got to sleep in today and when I finally got out of bed at 9!, my husband had cleaned the house. What a nice treat to wake up to. He is really good about helping around the house. That man of mine...

I just did my in-law's taxes and don't have any plans for the rest of the day. It would be nice to just sit on the couch, but I imagine my list of projects will get me going. Maybe someday that list will be finished, or at least a little smaller. Yeah right.

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, February 10, 2006


Woo hoo it's Friday!! My husband doesn't have to work tomorrow after all and I am very happy.

So, I weighed in this morning and I lost 2 pounds. It's a good day!

My hubby and I are having a date night tonight. His parents are watching the kids. I am not sure where we are going yet, but it really doesn't matter because it will just be nice to get out by ourselves. We have only done that one other time in the last 5 months since our son was born. It's easy to put each other aside while we focus on the kids.

Well, I have a little one on my lap, so typing is kinda hard.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Let the sunshine in.

For those of you in the Willamette Valley, isn't this sun a nice change? I am thinking of bundling up the kiddos and going for a stroll. Wouldn't hurt for me to exercise anyway. The diet is going very well so far and I am hoping to have a good weigh in tomorrow morning.

There may be a family wedding by next fall, so I really really want to get into bridesmaid shape by then. It will be so fun to be in another wedding. Probably my last opportunity as all my siblings and in-law sibling will be married then. I just love weddings. I would love to have another one myself. It would be so cool to have a reception type party for our 10th anniversary. Have food and dancing for our friends and family. That is only 2 1/2 year away. Time has flowen by. Married 7.5 years and now two babies.

Well, I don't have much to say. Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday - My favorite day.

Well not really. I am being sarcastic because Wednesday is my dirty chore day. It is garbage day, change the litter box, scoop the dog poop, empty the diaper genie and clean the toilets/shower day. Seriously. I figured I would make one day the designated poo day and since Wednesday is garbage day, it just made darn good sense. So I have just finished up, taken a shower, and had some Cheerios.

I am trying to get in the habit of getting my housework done first thing in the morning so it isn't looming over my head all day. I have been feeling overwhelmed trying to spend time with each of my kids, clean the house, do my work for my office and plan dinner each day. My kids are my priority of course, but it just seems like something is getting left out. I know that I am not the only mom who has these demands, I just haven't adjusted well to having a new baby plus all the other things. I NEVER take them both out to the grocery store. I always wait until my husband is home so I can get out by myself. I don't know how moms do it with 3 or 4 or more kids. I keep hoping things will get easier to manage. I need a Nanny! Or a housekeeper/cook. ha ha just kidding Wouldn't it be nice sometimes though? Though it may not sound like it, I am truly thankful that I am able to stay home with my babies.

So my mom is coming in today to watch my munchkins while I run into my office. My bosses are super cool and never give me a hard time about not being in the office that much. I do 90% of my work from home and just go in one afternoon a week to pick up more work and drop off what I have finished. It is the perfect setup for me. I am so thankful that I work for a company who is so good to me.

I got a new scale yesterday. I was actually excited, isn't that funny? The old one we had would fluctuate 3 pounds or so depending on how you stood on it or where it was placed on our bathroom floor. I got this cool Weight Watchers one that measures to the tenth of a pound. I am really working on getting rid of this baby weight and so far it is working, but I want it gone NOW! I am going to weigh myself every Friday morning and then report my progress in my blog. Of course I won't be telling you my weight - I would be mortified, but I will say how much I lost. I am hoping it will keep me accountable if I am reporting each week. I have found through dieting for years that I really need that accountability. I am also checking into doing the 3 month Self Challenge at It starts in a could weeks. I am not sure how it works yet, but check it out. I guess you can sign up with friends so you can see how everyone in your group is doing.

Well, my little Princess has asked me to color with her, so I am off.

Peace out.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday Monday...

It's Monday morning and I feel like I didn't get much sleep last night. My little dude woke up at 1am and 5 am. I am really ready for him to be sleeping through the night! He has a tooth now and I think that is messing him up his schedule. He usually just wakes up once each night. I have been worried about him because he won't nurse during the day. I have heard that it hurts when they try to suck with sore gums, so maybe that is it. I guess he makes up for it at night though.

Big sister woke up all congested this morning and said "I don't think I should go to dance class today" so I think we will just stay home today and chill. She seemed to think hot chocolate would make her feel better. How coudl I say no? Ha ha. I have a sweet little story about her. Probably a year or so ago, she was totally into Shania Twain. She wanted me to play the cd over and over so she could bust a move to it. Well the song "From this Moment" would come on and I would tell her that was mommy and daddy's "love song" from our wedding. Then every time it would come on she would say Mommy! It's your love song. Then when I was pregnant with my son, she asked how he got in my tummy. I told her that when a mommy and daddy get married and love each other sooooo much, a baby starts to grow in the mommy's tummy. Then just a few days ago, not having heard the cd for ages, and not having talked about me being pregnant for the longest time, she comes into my room and says "mommy, remember when you heard that "Moment" song and I started to sleep in your tummy?" I swear that is the most precious thing she has ever said. Kids....aren't they the best?

Have a great day y'all!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Well, I am a newbie at this whole blog thing. My friend Kelli started one and I enjoy reading hers, so I think I will try one myself. I have never been good at keeping a diary or journal, but maybe this will work out better for me. I would much rather type than hand write anything.

It's Saturday night and my hubbie and I just got done watching the Ultimate Fighting match. My sweet baby is sleeping away and his big sister is staying at my parents for the night. I swear even when she is gone for one night, I end up missing her.

I have been watching parts of this show on the Discovery Channel where this guy lives with bears in Alaska and ends up getting eaten by one of them. It is a documentary that he films as he interacts with the bears and other animals. Then you find out he and his girlfriend were both killed by a bear. So crazy.

I am thinking that my little blog here is quite dull, but I will try to spice it up a bit. Though there isn't a lot of excitement in my life, which is fine, maybe just boring to other people. Maybe this can help clear my head at the end of the day. So here is my first attempt. We'll see if I can stick to this more than a week or so. I tend to get all gung-ho about things and then it fizzles out.

Hasta la cha cha - (my translation, although not accurate, is "until we dance")